Honey deserves to be added to our tables every day. Energy food composed of simple sugars (fructose-glucose) easily digestible, it contains: enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, antibiotic-like substances and substances that can promote growth processes.
The areas of the body in which honey has its benefits:
Upper respiratory tract: decongestant, soothing cough
Muscles: increase in physical power and endurance
Heart: cardiotropic action
Liver: protective and detoxifying action
Digestive system: protective, stimulating, regulatory action
Kidneys: diuretic action
Blood: anti-anemic action
Bones: fixation of calcium and magnesium

Honey as natural and traditional as possible in the extraction method! We made "TORCHIATO Honey", a Millefiori in which you are guaranteed to taste a totally whole honey.
What makes it special and unique is in fact the way in which we extract honey, that is, by squeezing honeycombs and opercera wax to the press. This process is slow and causes honey to become less stressed.
This method of extraction belongs to ancient and traditional beekeeping, in which honey was precisely extracted by pressing (pressing of honeycombs not containing eggs, larvae or bee pupae).
We also do not filter our pressed honey, but instead wait for its natural maturation process, where it is the honey itself that rejects the excess wax making it come to the surface. It is thanks to the pressing that this honey does not absorb air.

Our MILLEFIORI HONEY OF THE ABRUZZESI PARKS, was born from the idea of bringing our bees to "wellness" territories where they can regenerate in these protected and unique places where biodiversity is protected. The resulting honey is unique and unrepeatable over the years, because in these territories air currents, altitude, latitudes, fauna and flora always combine and interact in a different way, giving an extraordinary unique honey and typical of a vintage.
It goes without saying that the work of the beekeeper is extremely important, as it must be a careful observer and connoisseur of places and nature, in order to be able first of all to guarantee the well-being of one's bees and finally such an excellent product. We always do our best to do it!
Abruzzo is the Green Region of Europe, where one third of its territory is occupied by green areas: national parks, regional park and protected natural reserves.
<< To protect the most typical Apennine environments existing in the region, Abruzzo boasts the presence of three national parks (the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, the Maiella National Park and the Gran Sasso National Park and Monti della Laga) and numerous protected areas and natural reserves, which cover about a third of its territory, so much so that Abruzzo is known as the green region of Europe. Source: ESA, European Space Agency .
You just have to try it and appreciate it every year!

Honey crystallizes on the basis of the glucose and fructose component; the higher the percentage of the former, the more crystallized it will be. Crystallization is a natural process therefore linked to the chemical composition of a honey, different for each type (acacia honey for example crystallizes very slowly, while ivy honey even solidifies even in the honeycomb) and not to the quality of the product, contrary to what one might think.
The honey that we often find in large retailers, with a very liquid composition, actually undergoes pasteurization, or an industrial heating process, based on direct heat, to make the honey liquid, which allows greater shelf life by destroying any microorganisms, but also alters the component
enzymatic and antibiotic and antibacterial properties, which make it such a special food.

An energizing element of absolute importance, it is a concentrate of PROTEINS, NATURAL AMINO ACIDS (it contains 20 of the 22 existing), OMEGA 3 and OMEGA 6, mainly unsaturated fatty acids.
In addition, pollen contains substances important for growth development. Pollen is a valuable source of immediately available protein, it is thought that it is called the "steak" of bees. In fact 100 gr of pollen bring as many proteins as 7 eggs or 400 gr of beef! For this reason it is particularly suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
It is an excellent tonic that is widely used by sportsmen. Furthermore, appreciable results have been found in helping to prevent many pathologies. Excellent regulator of intestinal function, for its properties pollen is indicated as an excellent supplement to increase the immune defenses of both adults and children.
For its intake it is recommended to let it dissolve in the mouth in its natural state or to dissolve it in any drink. You can mix it with honey or add it to yogurt or milk as you do with cereals. There is a strong synergy with fruit. If you prepare a fruit salad (possibly in the morning) and consume it with pollen, the effect will be faster and more powerful!
Tips for taking: 10/15 gr per day are sufficient to provide the right energy and vitamin intake. Pollen administration should be continuous for at least 20-30 days.
1 teaspoon of fresh pollen shaved weighs 5 g, 1 tablespoon of fresh pollen shaved weighs 15 g.
As for the duration of pollen intake there is no rule. Surely continuity and regularity are the basis of a good result!
Ours is POLLINE FRESCO , to better maintain all its properties!
It is a complete food, as well as:
it is an entirely natural and naturally collected product
it is easy to take and integrates easily into daily nutrition
it can be taken at all ages according to a very elastic and easy to adapt dosage
strengthens the body's defenses and protects it from aggression
improves the general state and potential of vital energy, an improvement that is a source of well-being and health
attenuates numerous pathological disorders
it is wonderfully tolerated and not by secondary disturbances
its price is very reasonable!

Propolis is mostly composed of resins, balms and waxes, which vary according to the different sources of collection.
To these components are always added aromatic acids, pollen, essential oils and organic plant and mineral substances, present in a percentage of about 15%.
Rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, propolis also has a high content of mineral salts, including iron, calcium, copper and manganese, and B vitamins.
Propolis carries out numerous beneficial activities for the whole organism. The composition of caffeic acid and flavonoids makes propolis a powerful anti-inflammatory, effective in people suffering from asthma.The list of properties of propolis is really long: it has in fact antiviral, healing, antifungal, immunostimulant, vasoprotective effects
It is used to treat burns, irritations and pimples (dry and heal them).
Propolis in glycol or alcoholic solution is useful for canker sores, abscesses, vesicles of the oral cavity. On painful teeth it has a decongestant action, therefore also effective on gingivitis (but in this case it must be in glycol solution).
The propolis also gives immediate relief to the inflamed throat (use brushes of glycolic extract). Propolis is also an excellent natural preventive product against colds and flu.

Royal jelly contains all essential amino acids plus free ones: aspartic and glutamic acid, alanine, arginine, cystine, glycine, phenylalanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, proline, methionine, serine, tyrosine, tryptophan, valine, gamma acid aminobutyric acid and threonine. Royal jelly also contains acetylcholine, a nurotransmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system.
Consuming royal jelly, thanks to the presence of antioxidants, contributes to reducing the rate of bad cholesterol in the body and at the same time the consumption of royal jelly is an excellent preventive method for diseases such as stroke, atherosclerosis and other problems related to cardiovascular system. Royal jelly is also able to improve blood circulation and maintain blood pressure at normal levels. Speeds up wound healing time, slows down cell aging, fights intestinal disorders, and is considered an excellent natural antibiotic thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. These properties seem to be attributable to a protein called roialisin.
Royal jelly contains the following minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, silicon, calcium, copper, sodium, selenium and manganese. Royal jelly is rich in vitamins, especially those of group B; just think that in nature there is no other element with a content of viatmine B5 equal to that of royal jelly. The vitamins present in 100 gr of royal jelly are: Vitamin A 1.10 mg, B1 2.06 mg, B2 2.77, B3 42.42 mg, B5 52.80 mg, B6 11.90 mg, B9 0, 4, mg, B12 0.15 mg, vitamin E 5.00 mg, vitamin C 2.00 mg.
Royal jelly should be taken every morning, possibly on an empty stomach, as a small quantity (small spoon supplied in the package), maximum two and to be dissolved under the tongue so as to allow total absorption by the body.
If the taste is not pleasant, as a little acidic it is advisable to add a little honey to make it more pleasant on the palate.