Those who choose our favors join the project
"Plant Your Seeds" - Together for the Bees -
Plant your seeds is a project we believe in and we want to actively bring to life by including it in our favors for every occasion, but also gadgets, business gifts, gifts for other holidays or anniversaries.
A selection of seeds from biodynamic crops carefully chosen to give rise to blooms useful for the well-being of the Bees will be inserted in a packaging designed to integrate with our honeys with harmony and effectiveness for concrete help to the Bees and Biodiversity.
A seed box will guide those who receive the gift, to a greater awareness and knowledge of the world of bees and their work.
The seeds selected and chosen in the most suitable and beneficial varieties for the Bees, can be planted directly in the ground, in the countryside, in the courtyard or in a simple pot on your balcony!
A simple gesture for our indispensable friends, increasingly in danger ...
Mother Nature has entrusted them with an indispensable task .... pollination!
To us, take care of it.

Project "Plant the Seeds Your"

Le Api di Papà
Circonvallazione Ostiense 234
zona Garbatella - 00154 ROMA - Lazio -
Siamo aperti:
dal Lunedì al Venerdì con orario 16:00-19:30,
mentre il Sabato con orario 8:30/13:00 - 15:00/19:30
Troverai tanti prodotti di produzione propria:
i nostri mieli pluri-premiati a livello nazionale, polline, propoli, miele in favo naturale, pappa reale, cera d'api,
api-cosmesi, bevande al miele, mieli torchiati, speziati, regali di miele per ogni occasione e bomboniere
con il nostro progetto per le Api!