Millefiori honey from the Abruzzo Parks
Our Millefiori Montano is produced from flowers found on mountain pastures over 1000 meters above sea level. At this altitude there are blooms of over 80 different species in spring and 130 in summer. The characteristics of the Abruzzo pastures protected by the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park ensure the production of a particular Millefiori with a complex taste: delicate and fragrant in its entirety.
Period and Production Area: from June to August - Abruzzo
Why is it our product of excellence? Read more: API ● CULTURE-> HONEY of the ABRUZZESI PARKS
Conservare a temperatura ambiente (non occorre tenerlo in frigorifero). Tenere lontano da fonti dirette di luce e calore.
Termine minimo di conservazione 36 mesi (riportato in etichetta).
€ 5,20 - 250 gr / € 7,90 - 500 gr